Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Men see women lost interest when 'bad'


What could be more bored morning when Lane walked out immediately met her twenties, dragging xoen xoet sandals, disheveled, clothes nhec lazy ... 
Born in life is to be a woman is a happy thing, because since you were born to be loved called "ladies". Growing up, even for the elderly, if you're still pretty proud of yourself, you are still men sought.
For example, the case of film actress Liu Xiaoqing China. At age 60 plus, she can still play a pretty girl of twenty and still marry another billionaire husband on Wednesday.
Or as singer Y Lan singing flirting, has nearly 60 years that every time she appeared on stage or in real life that we are surprised because the young, beautiful and very rhythm track.
Famous maxim: "There are no ugly women, only women do not know how beautiful" after which the men often bitterly disillusioned in a bottle that "no beautiful women, only women know beautiful "and result is very good news instead of those who" know "beauty.
How beautiful is that any action a woman starts were made aware and should continue to do so late in life is vanity.
A child toddler known for his mirror and install a bunch of blue ribbon, red, purple, yellow top. A hundred-year-old woman in agony in line for tickets to remember ancestors and descendants instructed to brush his head wrapped up nice and mysterious black velvet scarf was ready from the ill five other times ...
The essence of beauty is very nice, right. Each of us more beautiful, wild orchid branch point is a torus more colorful for spring. So everyone needs to know how beauty and beauty for themselves, most modern women.
However, it is not unusual for women neglect beauty. 's not because they do not want nice, but maybe they assume the right to "be bad" to have achieved a certain success as a husband or "tied" there was a guy on schedule ...
They do not know that they had just spoils appropriation are not a TV or an iPad which is a higher animals have souls, have eyes to see, have brains to think and especially legs to run.
To find a model for this component where no stranger. You just look around your office or work around the neighborhood where you live.
A woman about 30 years old with a lazy husband and two children in the poem would be willing to allow her to wear a wrinkled shirt or go to a colorful sandals but dirty sand, sits on a motorcycle approximately two and a half years for not cleaning up the streets, even to work.
Then one day that summer powerless, sad mouth, misses her husband have said the twin cool down the heat to the husband that night he'll be sitting chewing boiled spinach with cold rice and trying to get a message that reads Cang message on the other side of that: "I still busy with the two children, where the beauty of time, where time he demanded the brightly painted sea".
He married fortunate to have devoted wife to take care of the other children would sit nodding sympathy, removed some old vegetable fiber teeth took place, softly softly said to his wife that "Fortunately for her the Angelina Jolie the other, she has 6 kids to take care manually, but if there are only two children as they are sure to be ruffled her now, too ugly child, right? "...
There are also women who always think bad funds available then, he could not be so beautiful to ignore it. Think this is extremely harmful, because they live with that thought every day you will inevitably worsen each additional.
Back to the main issue is how to better your day?
I'm not an expert in beauty should not be able to go further details, or teach you how to make beautiful. Furthermore, it does not matter so much when a person has enough determination, enough enthusiasm to do good. Because once you've got enough momentum, you believe that you will be "a better day" and you "do not accept bad yourself," you'll have hundreds of thousands of design methods to make themselves more beautiful.
In the framework of the contents of this article, I hope that you will transmit little enthusiasm for beauty, you see a good reason for you to always be yourself beauty and direction to those around you and do beautiful.
The first reason is the bad nobody likes you (especially you), c ó whether these guys are just jealous or is eating away at your boss's wife, but then the more you should be good.
If you are female, you may not believe but man we really feel unlucky and lost interest when meeting women "bad". Like, a new dawn has come out lane immediately met her twenties, dragging xoen xoet sandals, disheveled, clothes nhec lazy ...
The word "bad" in quotation marks, and I ask you not to understand merely literally. You do not need to first lay beautiful, angelic shining as though you are as beautiful as ever, but to a crowd, with a mouth or an armpit "fragrant" you immediately make yourself bad duck factories.
Conversely, you may cause appearance defects, can you "not good" according to some criteria that book ... but you are still a woman "beautiful" if you appreciate the what you have, confidence (not ridiculous) and always pay attention to beauty.
Can say you do not believe, but if seeing the photos of the actress Marilyn Monroe when he was not famous, more than half of women feel more beautiful still.
With the mole is positioned to be pretty pointless at the time, if you are a normal person would have removed it. But Marilyn Monroe was confident with it and makes the world views change, and along with the relentless efforts, she has become a symbol of beauty until today.
To be charming but can be difficult to "not silly" when hardly difficult.
The second reason is to make yourself look better is not too difficult as many people or think.
The truth is that beauty is not too complex, not too picky and difficult as you think. No need to spend a lot of money and a few hours a day to cover all the stuff on your face, apply enough of such things on the body of unknown origin to have beautiful skin. These things are only short-term effects, not long-term solutions.
What happens to your skin if you stop using it? It does not exclude cases where there are many side effects of it not appear the first time you use it until you found out it was too late.
Want to have a beautiful skin (except for those with chronic skin disease or endocrine disorders ...), you need a diet and appropriate rest. Not as professional as the stars, but at least you know what you're stuffed into sensitive stomach which his what?  And particularly his ensure a good night's sleep (not too long and not too short, about 6 hours a day is moderate).
In addition, maintenance mode regular exercise not only helps us to have a good shape but also helps us to have good health, enduring ability to fight disease. A frequent disease never have a beautiful skin.
You do not necessarily have to spend tens of million per year to buy the card if you do not have enough collective economic conditions and time. To have a good shape, the first thing you need to forth the Bodhi mind is: Sincerely shape you are right now.
Maybe you would feel funny: "I have nothing but fat this respect?", Or "I like this skinny tong atrophy with what respect?".
You need to remember that, with that in mind, the way you are who you float only a year or even a few months later you will again dreaming of your body at this time. So please cherish it, do not hate it.
Start your campaign to make it a more complete days from today, at this moment, and with whatever you have available. A piece of wire, a few stairs, a chair, or even just a bed to sleep ... you still usually a few minutes as you watch the free and not too full stomach.
Collectively how they had "specific" Google just like the free, I do not need to speak carefully. Jump rope or lay back on the bed training abdominal muscles, back muscles are very simple but effective.
However, if you can, you should exercise regularly every day. You also set any subject, from erobick, martial arts, qigong, yoga, aerobics, jogging, swimming ... as long as you see fit and happy with it.
However, the great majority of people do not have a reason too busy, no time is fixed or no money ... If so, you start with good habits, close to the everyday life, without loss of time or money at all such as
Try to walk if the distance is not too far away and you do not rush. Every time you try to walk as fast walking, stretched feet above normal. This may notice if you westerners always the case.
When you take the stairs at least take steps two at a time step, if the youth can hop, step backwards ... This is like jumping rope, jogging, good feet, less flabby, less uneven firmer. And make sure you will feel very happy, excited to do such things like this one.
Then what are you reading, watching TV or daydreaming about a guy that you can also practice by many different positions. For example, you can lie on your back, put a pillow high, two handles reading, straighten your legs and lift up the bed surface dangling inches approximately. Kept as long as possible.
Say it long, but in the final, you should remember that you yourself already contains sufficient elements to good then. Just give it a chance to shine, give it a chance to develop alone. Indeed, anyone, just "neat, clean, fragrant" is already beautiful half. Charming, or more simply "not ungainly" nice to have three-quarters. Add to "understanding, kindness" is pretty comprehensive.
"Neat, clean, fragrant," it is easy and everyone knows how to do. However, it is not as clean so that the whole day went chopsticks to pick up germs husband asleep while waiting for dinner, and also not so fragrant that every time you prepare a road went up a half-shell body perfume.
To be charming but can be difficult to "not silly" when hardly difficult. Just do not laugh when you open too many teeth can a blackened teeth. You also should not be too confident wearing puppy shot at a party while you own a pair of frog legs ộp with many dimples on it.
As for "understanding, kindness", let you wait on themselves and become a beautiful woman full of men we are more in love with life.
Finally, a few husbands would like to thanks the free time not to charge his wife and customary closing conditions, which make self-pity because the Creator endowed toothed jaw. And for words read aloud, apparently for his fiancee heard this all okay, because these women also lazy beauty rarely hard to read.
Pham Phu Quang 

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