Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Honeybees originated from Asia


A new study found that honeybees have Asian ancestry, in contrast to previous views that they came from Africa.
Loài ong mật. Ảnh: Wikimedia Commons
Loài ong mật. Ảnh: Wikimedia Commons.
Scientists from the University of Uppsala, Sweden, using the method of genetic analysis to decipher the evolutionary history of the honey bee. The researchers said that honey bees (Apis mellifera) has ancient lineage that bees living in the pit cavity. This ancient bees came from Asia about 300,000 years ago and then spread to Europe and Africa, Natural World News said.
"Our evolution tree constructed from the sequence of the gene did not support the notion that bees originated in Africa. This helps us new insight into how widespread and adaptable of bees density with habitat worldwide, "Matthew said Webster of the University of Uppsala.
The study results also showed that honeybee populations have been affected by the phenomenon of climate change. Honeybees are insects that pollinate top, at least one third of human food use products daily crop pollination by bees. Therefore, the understanding of the evolution of honeybees as well as the factors affecting the number of people we can help improve crop yields.
The results of the study are published in the journal Nature.
Le Hung

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